Governance and Leadership


Congregational Structure

The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd is composed of both apostolic sisters and contemplative sisters who, by virtue of their profession, enjoy the same and equal rights. The Constitutions and Statutes are the foundation of the Congregation’s life and legislation.

New Governance Structure

The Direction Statement of the 31st Congregational Chapter held in 2021 calls for a new governance structure to be adopted to promote the mission more effectively, address the need for spiritual and transformational leadership, promote the full engagement of partners-in-mission, work towards an equitable sharing of resources and create a universal culture of justice.

Congregational Leadership Team

The Congregation is guided by the Congregational Leader and her team of six apostolic and three contemplative sisters. They make up the Congregational Leadership Team (CLT). They are elected for a term of six years at the Congregational Chapter, and each may be re-elected for a second term. The CLT, who resides at the Generalate in Rome, animates relevance and effectiveness in mission and cooperation among the Units through visits and engagement.

The current CLT began its six-year mandate on the feast of St. Mary Euphrasia on April 24, 2022. 

Joan Lopez

Congregational Leader


Mirjam Beike

Apostolic Councilor


Yolanda Borbon

Apostolic Councilor


Josita Corera

Apostolic Councilor

Sri Lanka

Marie-Françoise Mestry

Apostolic Councilor


Edith Olaguer

Contemplative Councilor


Cristina Rodriguez

Contemplative Councilor


Erika Sanchez

Apostolic Councilor


Yolanda Sanchez

Apostolic Councilor


Sadhani Walmillage

Contemplative Councilor

Sri Lanka

Yvette Arnold

Martha Park

Joan Lopez
Congregational Leader

Erica Sanchez
Apostolic Councilor

Josita Corera
Apostolic Councilor

Sri Lanka
Marie Francoise Mestry
Apostolic Councilor

Mirjam Beike
Apostolic Councilor

Yolanda Borbon
Apostolic Councilor

Yolanda Sanchez
Apostolic Councilor

Cristina Rodriguez
Contemplative Councilor

Edith Olaguer
Contemplative Councilor

Sadhani Walmillage
Contemplative Councilor

Sri Lanka

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our global presence

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay

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