Our Mission


Our Mission

Empowering lives, restoring rights, upholding dignity

Our mission is to be the reconciling presence of Jesus the Good Shepherd as we embrace those who experience injustice, oppression, humiliation, exploitation, and alienation, especially girls, women, and children.

We are present in 68 countries where our sisters and partners-in-mission work to empower lives, restore rights, and uphold dignity. Our mission brings us to places where we experience that which is known as radical and where we encounter the sacred Other in persons and in all of creation.

We are moved to resist all judgment and condemnation of those who are excluded because they are different. We strive to awaken in each person we encounter a deep sense of uniqueness, worth, and inestimable value.

"one person is of more value than the whole world"

St. Mary Euphrasia

Transforming lives with compassion

Energized by our evolving understanding of God’s love, we seek to create life-giving communities of welcome and inclusion as we reach out to build and maintain relationships of solidarity with single mothers, women and children suffering abuse, women in situations of prostitution, homeless persons, trafficked persons, prisoners, migrants, displaced people, refugees, asylum seekers, those living with HIV/AIDS, young people in difficulty and at risk, those in situations of marginalization and poverty and many others.

Today, our fourth vow of Zeal calls us to respond to our rapidly changing world and pressing global realities by challenging oppressive and unjust structures and systems that threaten the flourishing of humanity and the integrity of all creation. The work of our global mission engages program participants through the many activities we deliver to support them in developing their personal potential and transforming their lives. These activities include healthcare services, education and skills training, capacity building, residential facilities, micro-finance projects, community development programs, programs for survivors of domestic violence and exploitation, and many others.

The commitment to prayer of our sisters who live a contemplative lifestyle sustains and strengthens the mission of the apostolic sisters and partners-in-mission, creating a spiritual balance that nourishes both the community and society at large. Their influence transcends physical boundaries, reaching places they might never otherwise be able to reach, bringing an essential aspect to the missionary and charitable work of the community.

Empowering lives, restoring rights, upholding dignity

Energized by our evolving understanding of God's love, we seek to create life-giving communities of welcome and inclusion as we reach out to build and maintain relationships of solidarity with single mothers, women and children suffering abuse, women in situations of prostitution, homeless persons, trafficked persons, prisoners, migrants, displaced people, refugees, asylum seekers, those living with HIV/AIDS, young people in difficulty and at risk, the marginalized, the abandoned, the poor, and many others.

Where We Are

We work in five circles: Asia-Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and RIMOA (Africa, Middle East, the Isles), which comprises the different Units (regions, provinces, sectors).

Asia Pacific

Province of North East Asia
(South Korea, Taiwan, China-Hong Kong, Macau)

Province of East Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia)

Province of Central East India-Nepal

Province of South West India Province of Indonesia

Province of the Philippines/Japan

Province of Singapore/Malaysia

Province of Sri Lanka/Pakistan

Province of Australia/Aotearoa & New Zealand

North America

Region of Montreal, Canada

Province of New York-Toronto

Province of Mid-North America

Province of Central South US

Latin America

Province of Argentina/Uruguay; Province of South East Latin America (Brazil, Paraguay)

Province of Colombia-Venezuela

Province of Bolivia/Chile

Province of Central America
(Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras)

Province of Ecuador
Province of Mexico

Province of Peru


Province of Austria/Switzerland/Czech Republic

Province of Europe-BFMN (Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands)

Province of Germany

Province of Great Britain

Province of Ireland

Region of Southern Europe
(Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain)

Africa and Middle East

Province of Lebanon/Syria

Province of Egypt/Sudan

District of The Isles
(Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion)

Province of Eastern Central Africa (Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda)

Communities of West Africa (Senegal, Burkina Faso) and Sector of Angola/Mozambiqueand Community of South Africa.

Our Global Presence

We work in five geographical areas known as Circles: Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, REAL (Latin America), and RIMOA (Africa, Middle East, the Isles), which comprises the different Units.

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay

Asia Pacific
Latin America
Africa and Middle East

EN  /  FR  /  ES

our global presence

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay

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