Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd

Charism and Spirituality

Charism and Spirituality

The Spirit who dwells within us

Spirituality is about a relationship with God and a desire to deepen this relationship and live it out in the reality of everyday life. It involves and engages us at the very depth of our being and directs our energies and actions toward living out the values of the Gospel as personified in the life of Jesus.

How we understand our spirituality has evolved over time and continues to unfold and deepen as we connect with the Spirit who dwells within us and who continuously moves us to greater fidelity in living discipleship. It calls us forth on a transforming journey of becoming fully human, of being a compassionate, loving, and reconciling presence in all our relationships, especially with those in vulnerable situations.

Following the founding vision of St. John Eudes, the heart of our spirituality is incarnational, focused on Christ the Incarnate Word. St. Mary Euphrasia saw God’s tender mercy in Jesus the Good Shepherd and his profound respect for each person.

Sparked by such a spirituality, we look at reality from the perspective of those living in poverty, with eyes of compassion and love. It transforms us and ignites within us a deeper commitment to live justly and to care for all of creation.

Care for Creation

We are living in a time where science and theology are giving us a new understanding of the origin of life and creation. This is a privileged time for us as we realize anew that everything is interconnected and interdependent. Creation is not static, but a relationship between the dynamic being of God and a world in the process of coming to be. Our image of God is evolving in this ongoing living history of life.

A very significant insight of the universe story is that we are all one. We now know that we are inseparably involved with one another, fundamentally connected, and responsible for everyone and everything. Our thoughts and actions can influence and determine future outcomes.

Our world is in the midst of profound change, of what we have been calling for many years a paradigm shift.  A new consciousness of our place in the universe seems to be emerging. This is the context in which we are living religious life for mission today. The three principles of the universe (interiority, communion, and differentiation) guide us in understanding these shifts as we journey into the future.


Contemplation is a way of being, a fundamental attraction to the Mystery of God, a call to mindful living. Contemplation and action are two sides of the same coin – both are needed if we are to be effective and truly present to ourselves and others.

This shift is a movement from an intellectual knowing of God to the experience of the God of Mystery, an engagement of the heart rather than the mind. We are being invited by our Creator to give great emphasis on setting aflame the creative spirit within each person, giving more time and space for experiencing the beauty of creation and exploring one’s talents and creativity.

We seek to develop a contemplative attitude that can listen to God’s voice in our lives, and discover the human face of Jesus in each person, particularly in those who are most vulnerable. It is imperative that we create a sacred space of dialogue with all, enabling attitudes of listening, respect, truthfulness, compassion, confidence, and growth to happen through healing and reconciling relationships.

"From the beginning till now, the entire creation, as we know, has been groaning in one great act of giving birth; and not only creation, but all of us"

(Romans 8:22)

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our global presence

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay