Our Vows


Sacred Commitments

By the public profession of our vows, we dedicate ourselves completely to continue the work of God’s mercy as revealed in the mission of Jesus.

Evangelical Poverty

In living poverty, we commit ourselves to living in solidarity with and in service to those at the margins. This challenges us to be responsible and generous in the sharing of resources. It moves us to go beyond our comfort zone to take risks in living the mission trusting in God’s providence.

We witness to a counter-cultural presence of hope and a joyful proclamation of the gospel by living a simple lifestyle, upholding the dignity of labor, sharing resources, being available with our time and talents, and committing ourselves to a respectful care of creation.

Consecrated Celibacy

We commit ourselves to a celibate way of life. Moved by the loving energy of the Spirit, we offer a total gift of ourselves to God. In nurturing life, we create sacred spaces of conversation that build right relationships, friendships, mutuality, and inclusion in communities, ministries, and society.

We witness to an alternative reality of self-giving love, living a balanced life, and believing in the potential of each person for growth. We commit ourselves to bringing forth new life as we reach out beyond boundaries that exclude us from one another. We embrace all in our multi-cultural world with a compassionate and reconciling love.

Prophetic Obedience

In loving obedience, we commit ourselves to listening, with an open and discerning heart, to the Spirit within us as we participate in being co-responsible for the life of the mission of the Congregation in the context of the signs of the times.

We witness to an alternative reality of a faith response by committing ourselves with joyful hope and an inner freedom to engage in collaboration, consultation, dialogue, discernment, and decision-making for mission.

Apostolic Zeal

By the vow of zeal, we commit ourselves to respond with the tenderness of God’s heart to the cries of our world today, particularly to those who are devalued in our society. In loving response to those who are struggling to rise beyond their painful situations, we steadfastly accompany them in hope.

We witness to an alternative reality by radically committing ourselves to a life of prayer and to live justly and in solidarity with those who live in situations of poverty. We collaborate and network, both locally and internationally, to bring about a more equitable distribution of the world’s resources.

EN  /  FR  /  ES

our global presence

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay