A reflection of our evangelical vows

A reflection of our evangelical vows

A reflection of our evangelical vows

A reflection of our evangelical vows

A reflection of our evangelical vows

A reflection of our evangelical vows


On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sr. Fiona Mary Yeo made her perpetual profession of religious vows at the Church of the Risen Christ. It was an emotional celebration as, surrounded by her community of sisters, family, and friends, she made her life-long commitment to Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd.


Sr. Fiona shares an emotional embrace following her vows


Here, she shares with us a reflection on her recent evangelical vows.

“When I think about that day, my mind also recalls another certain event. One day, when walking in meditation, I stopped in awe at the sight before me. The magnificence of a fallen tree caught my attention. The abundant plants surrounding it told me that it continued to give life, even in its death. This tree spoke to me and taught me much about evangelical vows.

For the vow of evangelical poverty, I realized that, like the tree, I am also called to give myself totally and fully – as it makes itself available to all, even unto its death, so that others may have life to its fullness.

I saw how the vow of consecrated chastity is a generous love that embraces all and not an exclusive love for any one individual. The tree did not choose which plant to give life to, it gave life to all who needed to feed on it. It is a paradoxical freedom that frees me to give everything of myself to others in relationships.

I appreciated how the vow of religious obedience is an embrace, openness, acceptance, and cooperation of the will of God, which can only be born out of freedom. I am to learn from the tree that embraced, accepted, and cooperated for others to have life.

And for the vow unique to the Good Shepherd, that of apostolic zeal, I saw how in imitating Jesus the Good Shepherd, this is a compassionate love, a special dynamism that reaches out, saves, and restores dignity. In its dying and allowing other plants to host on it, it restores to life the purpose and original dignity due to the other plants by virtue of their existence as the created of the Creator. In all that I do, my zeal serves to restore the original dignity through the mission of healing and reconciliation by loving compassionately and mercifully.

So much to learn from nature, from a single tree! Nature teaches us much, including the vows that I profess. I too am mindful that we are also part of nature. Not dominant over it but a part of it. We are as much a part of nature as the tree or spider, and just as amazing! Are we listening, seeing, encountering, and reverencing in awe, joy, and respect of all of our goodness?”

The Congregation takes delight in our new sister. We pray for you, Sr. Fiona, and join with you as we pray for an increase in vocations to our shepherding way of life.

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