Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia

Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia

Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia

Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia

Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia

Reflections on Saint Mary Euphrasia


By Sr Marie Magdalena Saavedra, Communications Coordinator

As a tribute to Saint Mary Euphrasia on her feast day, below you will find a collection of inspiring testimonies of sisters and partners-in-mission sharing about how her teachings and examples have influenced and guided them in their missions and responses to ministries.

These testimonies offer a glimpse into the profound impact of embracing and embodying Saint Mary Euphrasia’s values and teachings in everyday life. Theirs are journeys of faith and service, and stories of transformation and faith that come alive through the enduring legacy of Saint Mary Euphrasia.

Triduum reflection (day one):

Triduum reflection (day two):

Triduum reflection (day three):

Reflection on the Feast Day of Saint Mary Euphrasia:

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Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

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Senegal, Burkina Faso 


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Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

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