Sowing Seeds of Education

Sowing Seeds of Education

Sowing Seeds of Education

Sowing Seeds of Education

Sowing Seeds of Education

Sowing Seeds of Education


The Wildflower Home Foundation (WFH) in Chiang Mai run by Good Shepherd Thailand, provides temporary shelter for mothers and babies facing life crises such as unexpected pregnancies, discrimination, and human-rights violations.

Confronted with financial problems and family abandonment, the shelter welcomes these women and supports them during the most challenging and traumatic periods of their lives.

In addition to health care and other services, the foundation offers education and training as an essential piece in the jigsaw to enable these women to break free from gender-based violence and poverty and offer the hope of lasting personal security and financial stability.

The home recently celebrated a significant milestone along with one of the women as her four-year-old daughter – a bright and multilingual child fluent in both English and Thai – eagerly started primary school.

Today, as the sixth International Day of Education is celebrated under the theme “learning for lasting peace” we celebrate the transformative role education plays in empowering women and children. In particular, we acknowledge the crucial role education and teachers play in countering hate speech, a phenomenon that has snowballed in recent years with the use of social media.

We give thanks to all sisters and partners-in-mission involved in the WHF and throughout our mission who expand opportunities, empower participants, and transform lives through providing education and awareness-raising services.


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