A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation

A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation

A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation

A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation

A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation

A Global Formation Plan: The International Formation Team embraces radical transformation


By Lizzie Cody, IFT member and Mission Partner from the Province of Mid-North America


“You can’t remake the world without remaking yourself. Each new era begins within.”

Ben Okri

The International Formation Team (IFT), together with Sr. Linda Buck, CSJ, consultant for the emerging IFT’s new Global Formation Plan, gathered at the Generalate in Rome from January 14 to 18, 2025. This gathering marked a significant and enriching opportunity for connection and collaboration, especially following numerous virtual meetings via Zoom. With changes to the team in recent months, this in-person meeting allowed members to deepen relationships, foster meaningful dialogue, and work toward shared goals.

During their time together, the team reflected, listened, and dreamed collectively about shaping a brighter future. We embraced the spirit of a synodal journey as “pilgrims of hope,” focusing on creating a framework for a unified global formation program. This program aims to foster radical transformation and embody the Congregation’s Universal Call to Justice. As Sr. Celine Onyango from Kenya stated, “There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests get together to work towards the same goal. Coming together was the beginning, keeping together bore the progress, and working together will bring success.”

This Global Formation Plan is built on years of dedicated work and thoughtful preparation. It integrates key documents and initiatives, including the Constitutions, 2014 Formation Guidelines, 2018 Preparation for Perpetual Profession, 2019 Zeal Calls Us to Respond, 2019 Supplement to the 2014 Formation Guidelines, 2021 Chapter Directives, existing Formation Programs (initial, ongoing, and partners-in-mission), 2023 IFT Conversation Circles, and 2024 IFT Brainstorming Sessions.

A highlight of the gathering was the meeting with the Congregational Leadership Team (CLT). This provided the IFT an opportunity to share updates on their progress and the formation plan. The CLT’s feedback was highly encouraging, inspiring the team to move forward with confidence. Sr. Asuncion remarked, “Each person’s sharing of their experience and knowledge enriched my life. I realized that in diversity lies the wisdom with which we can achieve great dreams.”

The team also explored objectives that include the formation of all partners-in-mission at every stage. It was fascinating to observe the commonalities among groups that might otherwise seem distinct.

Team members shared overwhelmingly positive reflections about their experience. Sr. Julia Mary remarked, “Strength in unity and grace in diversity, enriched through the wisdom of shared learning and mutual growth.” Contemplative Sr. Elvira Rodrigues de Silva added, “My experience has been enriching, marked by a common search to respond to the needs of formation. This process drives us toward a radical transformation, preparing us to serve with zeal and compassion.” Andrea Curreri from GSIF shared, “Being part of this transformative journey fills my heart with immense gratitude and great personal enrichment. Formation is not just a process; it is the soul of our mission, igniting a shared commitment to justice, peace, and compassion.”

The IFT has much more in store for the months ahead. In the meantime, we invite you to read our letter to the Congregation for further insights and updates, which you can access here.



Main picture (left to right): Sr. Julia Mary- India, Andrea Curreri- Good Shepherd International Foundation, Sr. Elvira Paz Silva – Brazil, Sr. Melania Jung- South Korea, Motherhouse, Sr. Celine Onyango- Kenya, Sr. Ascuncion Quiroz- Equador, Lizzie Cody- Mid North America, Linda Buck, CSJ- facilitator


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our global presence

Africa and Middle East

Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Uganda

Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion

Senegal, Burkina Faso 


Belgium, France, Hungary, Netherlands

Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Latin America

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Honduras

Brazil, Paraguay