Behold your child

Behold your child

Behold your child

Behold your child

Behold your child

Behold your child


Each Sunday of Lent, we will reflect on the ‘seven last words’ spoken by Jesus from the Cross in light of our Congregational Position Papers. This week, we recall the third words spoken, “Woman, here is your son!” linking these with our position on the Girl-Child.

When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. (John 19:26-27)

By making Mary the mother of the beloved disciple, Jesus – from the Cross – was making himself our brother and asking us to become sisters and brothers to each other. To be a Christian is to recognize that at the foot of the cross is born the universal family of God, from which no one is excluded, least of all the most vulnerable.

Our position on the girl child recognizes that every girl is born with dignity, possesses the inherent rights of all humans, and ought to be assured the unique rights of childhood to enable her to reach her potential as an individual, a woman, and a member of society.

As a Congregation, we empower girl children and support parents and all forms of extended families that care for children, such as at the Marycove Center home for girls in Hong Kong which provides residential care and an integrated approach to education.

Today, we invite you to ask yourself as you stand among our human family: do you recognize yourself as belonging to our universal sisterhood and brotherhood? What action will you take to cherish and honor women, and the girls who become women, on the occasion of International Women’s Day this week on March 8?

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