Into your hands, I commend my spirit

Into your hands, I commend my spirit

Into your hands, I commend my spirit

Into your hands, I commend my spirit

Into your hands, I commend my spirit

Into your hands, I commend my spirit


This Easter Sunday, our final reflection on the ‘seven last words’ spoken by Jesus from the Cross recalls Jesus’ final words, “Into your hands, I commend my spirit”; written by Sr Mary Edith Olaguer, Congregational Councilor.

‘Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.’ (Luke 23:46)

“At night when I go to bed, I’m one of those who’s asleep even before the head hits the pillow. There’s a tiny moment, though, perhaps a nanosecond, where my eyes still look to God and I mumble, ‘Goodnight’.

If I could break open that second of consciousness, what would I see? Perhaps trust that is like a fox resting on a tree trunk knowing it belongs to a mothering universe. It is asleep even before it burrows in its den. Or confidence like the sparrows, that finds a nest where it may lay its young. Psalm 84 says ‘upon your altars O God’. In other words, Earth, where we live, is God’s dwelling place, and if we just looked, a place of Encounter, of closeness with God. I too – my sleepy head and my pondering heart – am God’s dwelling place.

According to Luke, the last words of Jesus on the Cross were ‘Father, into your hands I commend my spirit’. If it is true that we die as we lived, then what would enable us to hand ourselves over to the One who made us – when it is time to do so? The practice of saying goodnight (and good morning), and perhaps a couple of hellos in between during the day – to the One who gazes upon us with unconditional regard and with Love so tender – surely can help.

In the Holy Saturdays of life, when we are not in control, when we are in a bind and there is only the tomb, how does one face life? To know that help will come, to HOPE in the One who is able to lay down his life and take it up again will bring a burst of new birth and we witness to a God who is ALIVE and very nearby. HOPE in Resurrection morning springs eternal so even if it is night, in a nanosecond of consciousness one can still pray, ‘Father, into your hands I surrender myself’.”

“I lie down and sleep in peace

For you alone, loving God

Make me feel safe and secure.

(Psalm 4)

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