Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification

Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification

Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification

Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification

Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification

Letter from the CLT on the 10th Anniversary of Our Reunification


Rome, 27 June 2024

Dear Sisters and Partners-in-Mission,

Greetings of peace and joy to you all!

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the reunification of Our Lady of Charity (OLC) and Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (OLCGS), we the CLT extend our heartfelt gratitude and blessings to each of you. This significant milestone is a testament to the faith and commitment that binds us together in mission.

Ten years ago, on 27 June 2014, our two congregations came together, united by a common mission and vision. This reunification was not merely an organizational change but a profound spiritual and communal renewal, symbolizing our collective commitment to living out the Gospel values of love, compassion, and service with greater unity and purpose.

Reflecting on Our Journey

As we look back on the past decade, we see countless examples of God’s grace and guidance. Challenging as it may have been to embrace this significant change, our combined efforts have enabled us to reach out more effectively to those in need, offering hope and healing to countless individuals and communities. As St. John Eudes reminds us: The human heart is made for love and cannot live without it.

Gratitude for Our Shared Mission

We give thanks to God, for the spirit of collaboration and mutual support that has flourished among us. Our reunification has enriched our spiritual lives, deepened our sense of community, and strengthened our resolve to serve the marginalized and oppressed. Each sister and partner in mission has contributed uniquely to this shared journey, and for that, we are deeply grateful. St. Mary Euphrasia said to have an ardent love for all that is good in your community, and we have seen this love manifest in so many ways.

A Vision for the Future

As we move forward, let us continue to build on the foundation laid over these past ten years. Let us embrace the future with open hearts, ready to respond to the evolving needs of our world with creativity, courage, and unwavering faith. Together, we can continue to be a beacon of hope and a source of transformative love in our communities and ministries, and bring about a Universal Culture of Justice.

A Blessing for Our Congregation

You are a blessing for the congregation and may God bless each one of you with renewed zeal and joy in your call to this mission of mercy, compassion, and reconciliation. May we continue to draw strength from our unity and find inspiration in the legacy of our founders, St. John Eudes and St. Mary Euphrasia and their successors.

As we celebrate this joyous anniversary, let us also recommit ourselves to walk in faith and synodality, steadfast in our commitment to justice, peace, and the dignity of every person, strengthening our bonds and love for one another.

With heartfelt gratitude and blessings,

Congregational Leadership Team

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