An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!

An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!

An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!

An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!

An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!

An expression of the heart: The Bicentenary Committee on a pilgrimage of jubilee hope!


By Contemplative Sister María Antonia García Ortiz, Bicentenary Committee Member, Province of Central America

As we celebrate 200 years since the founding of the contemplative sisters in 1825, it was such a blessing to be back in the beautiful setting of Rome to attend meetings with the bicentenary committee of which I am a member.

This meeting to continue preparations to celebrate the jubilee year holds great significance for me on a personal level – it renews my vocation, my calling, and my gratitude for this beautiful gift.

Meeting together again with the other committee members, Sr. Shirley Tomalá from Ecuador and Sr. Rosa Carrasco from Peru, has been an experience of learning, growth, and participation in which the action of the Spirit has been manifested with force.

Our meetings were facilitated by Paula Sgherza whose unwavering commitment to the work of the Congregation made it easier for her to guide us to prepare to celebrate 200 years since our foundation as contemplative sisters.

We were also grateful for the presence of Congregational Leader Sr. Joan Marie Lopez, the CLT Contemplative Councilors, and in a special way our CLT Contemplative Councilors, Sr. Edith, Sr. Sadhani, and Sr. Christina.

I also found the experience of sharing life with the sisters and partners-in-mission based at the Generalate in Rome as tremendously meaningful – sharing the essence of our persons as we carry out the will of God with our own life experiences.

My days here in Rome have reaffirmed in me the feeling that the love and mercy of the Good Shepherd dwells within each one of us – it was a sign of the anniversary of our 200 years of contemplative life.

My prayer is that this celebration of the bicentenary will revitalize us at every moment and that the spirit and zeal of St. Mary Euphrasia will continue to enlighten not just our Congregation but also the Church, the whole of humanity, and the whole world as we make a pilgrimage of jubilee hope.

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