By Alex Vásquez Ocampo, Communications Officer for GSIF Latin America
On Friday, December 20, sisters belonging to the Provinces of Central America, Colombia-Venezuela, Mexico, and Ecuador – which will make up the future Region of Northern Latin America – met for the first time through Zoom for an online party to mark the end of 2024.
The celebration allowed the sisters to share laughter, songs, and games and deepen their knowledge of the cultures, places, and Christmas traditions that characterize each of the countries in the new region.
There was a fantastic atmosphere during the meeting, full of emotion and enthusiasm as sisters celebrated the end of the year with each other. Worthy of particular mention is Sr. MarÃa Delia López Varón, who was on the eve of her 101st birthday! A fact that filled us with joy and gratitude for her life and testimony.
The meeting concluded with a toast in which the provincial leaders of the different provinces that make up the new Northern Region – Sisters Gilma M. Muñoz Calderón, Teresa Fernández Olmedo, Nidia Stella Quimbayo Garrido, and Luz Ofelia Cazorla – shared words full of encouragement, fraternity, love, and hope.
Following their input, various other sisters attending the online party shared spontaneously, expressing their affection and love for each other and for the mission.
Finally, to close the meeting, they joined in prayer, raising their voices in unison, thanking and asking for unity, and walking together in the region.
The prayer shared was as follows:
“The Word became flesh to dialogue with us.
God does not want to have a monologue but a dialogue.
For God himself, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is dialogue, eternal and infinite communion of love and life.”